Win32: Comment convertir une chaîne en date?

Sous Windows, je veux parsingr une ssortingng tant que date utilisant une chaîne de format exacte.

Par exemple, compte tenu de la chaîne


et le format:


Je veux convertir la chaîne à une date, tout en m’assurant que la date correspond au format.

Je dois aussi pouvoir spécifier la fenêtre coulissante Y2K, pivot. Cela signifie que si une année à deux chiffres est (correctement) entrée, je spécifierai ce nombre d’années que je considérerais comme l’année à venir. par exemple:

 Two-digit Year Pivot Four-digit year ============== ===== =============== 30 +0 1929 30 +18 1929 30 +19 1929 30 +20 2029 30 +21 2029 30 +100 2029 

.NET fournit déjà une fonction DateTime.ParseExact qui effectue exactement ce dont j’ai besoin:

 date = DateTime.ParseExact("6/12/2010", DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); 

Sauf que je ne peux pas lui dire la valeur pivot de 100 ans.

Plus d’exemples:

 Ssortingng Format Specifier Date "6/7/2029" "M/d/yyyy" 6/7/2029 "6/7/29" "M/d/yyyy" (invalid, year too short) "6/7/29" "M/d/yy" 6/7/1929 (+0 pivot) "6/7/29" "M/d/yy" 6/7/2029 (+100 pivot "6/7/29" "M/d/yy" 6/7/2029 (+50 pivot) "6/7/29" "M/d/yy" 6/7/2029 "6/7/2029" "Mdyyyy" (invalid, incorrect separators) "6.7.2029" "Mdyyyy" 6/7/2029 "6.7.2029" "Md-yyyy" (invalid, incorrect separators) "6/7/2029" "M/dd/yyyy" (invalid, days requires leading zero) "6/07/2029" "M/dd/yyyy" (invalid, days requires leading zero) "6/07/2029" "MM/dd/yyyy" (invalid, months requires leading zero) "06/07/2029 "MM/dd/yyyy" 6/7/2029 "06/07/2029" "MM/d/yyyy" (invalid, days should not have leading zero) "06/7/2029" "MM/d/yyyy" 6/7/2029 

Je sais que Windows n’a pas d’API native pour convertir une chaîne à une date.

Existe-t-il un code établi pour convertir une ssortingng en date aide d’un spécificateur de format? Les ordinateurs existent depuis un certain temps maintenant; Quelqu’un doit avoir déjà résolu ce problème.

Voici une liste de certains spécificateurs de format que vous pouvez vous attendre à voir dans Windows:

  • M/d/yyyy
  • M/d/yy
  • M/dd/yyyy
  • M/dd/yy
  • MM/d/yyyy
  • MM/d/yy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yy
  • d/M/yyyy
  • d/M/yyy
  • d/MM/yyyy
  • d/MM/yy
  • dd/M/yyyy
  • dd/M/yy
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • dd/MM/yy
  • yyyy/M/d
  • yy/M/d
  • yyyy/MM/d
  • yy/MM/d
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yy/MM/dd
  • dd MM yyyy
  • dd.MM.yyyy

Voir également

  • MSDN: Images au format Jour, Mois, Année et Era
  • Stackoverflow: Format de chaîne en tant que date
  • Stackoverflow: parsing une date d’une chaîne dans Win32
  • MSDN: DateTime.ParseExact, méthode (Ssortingng, Ssortingng, IFormatProvider)
  • Stackoverflow: Convert Ssortingng À ce jour en PHP

J’ai finalement dû céder et en écrire un. Pas sortingvial pour parsingr une date

 class function TDateTimeUtils.TryStrToDateExact(const S, DateFormat: ssortingng; out Value: TDateTime): Boolean; begin { Assume Microsoft's de-facto standard for y2k fixup: 2029 1930-2029 } Result := TDateTimeUtils.TryStrToDateExact(S, DateFormat, 2029, {out}Value); end; class function TDateTimeUtils.TryStrToDateExact(const S, DateFormat: ssortingng; PivotYear: Integer; out Value: TDateTime): Boolean; var Month, Day, Year: Integer; Tokens: TSsortingngDynArray; CurrentToken: ssortingng; i, n: Integer; Partial: ssortingng; MaxValue: Integer; nCurrentYear: Integer; function GetCurrentYear: Word; var y, m, d: Word; begin DecodeDate(Now, y, m, d); Result := y; end; begin Result := False; { M/dd/yy Valid pictures codes are d Day of the month as digits without leading zeros for single-digit days. dd Day of the month as digits with leading zeros for single-digit days. ddd Abbreviated day of the week as specified by a LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME* value, for example, "Mon" in English (United States). Windows Vista and later: If a short version of the day of the week is required, your application should use the LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME* constants. dddd Day of the week as specified by a LOCALE_SDAYNAME* value. M Month as digits without leading zeros for single-digit months. MM Month as digits with leading zeros for single-digit months. MMM Abbreviated month as specified by a LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME* value, for example, "Nov" in English (United States). MMMM Month as specified by a LOCALE_SMONTHNAME* value, for example, "November" for English (United States), and "Noviembre" for Spanish (Spain). y Year represented only by the last digit. yy Year represented only by the last two digits. A leading zero is added for single-digit years. yyyy Year represented by a full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars have five-digit years. The "yyyy" pattern shows five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars. Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No additional leading zeros are displayed. yyyyy Behaves identically to "yyyy". g, gg Period/era ssortingng formatted as specified by the CAL_SERASTRING value. The "g" and "gg" format pictures in a date ssortingng are ignored if there is no associated era or period ssortingng. PivotYear The maximum year that a 1 or 2 digit year is assumed to be. The Microsoft de-factor standard for y2k is 2029. Any value greater than 29 is assumed to be 1930 or higher. eg 2029: 1930, ..., 2000, 2001,..., 2029 If the PivotYear is between 0 and 99, then PivotYear is assumed to be a date range in the future. eg (assuming this is currently 2010): Pivot Range 0 1911..2010 (no future years) 1 1912..2011 ... 98 2009..2108 99 2010..2099 (no past years) 0 ==> no years in the future 99 ==> no years in the past } if Length(S) = 0 then Exit; if Length(DateFormat) = 0 then Exit; Month := -1; Day := -1; Year := -1; Tokens := TDateTimeUtils.TokenizeFormat(DateFormat); n := 1; //input ssortingng index for i := Low(Tokens) to High(Tokens) do begin CurrentToken := Tokens[i]; if CurrentToken = 'MMMM' then begin //Long month names, we don't support yet (you're free to write it) Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'MMM' then begin //Short month names, we don't support yet (you're free to write it) Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'MM' then begin //Month, with leading zero if needed if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 2{MinDigits}, 2{MaxDigits}, 1{MinValue}, 12{MaxValue}, {var}Month) then Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'M' then begin //months if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 1{MinDigits}, 2{MaxDigits}, 1{MinValue}, 12{MaxValue}, {var}Month) then Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'dddd' then begin Exit; //Long day names, we don't support yet (you're free to write it) end else if CurrentToken = 'ddd' then begin Exit; //Short day names, we don't support yet (you're free to write it); end else if CurrentToken = 'dd' then begin //If we know what month it is, and even better if we know what year it is, limit the number of valid days to that if (Month >= 1) and (Month <= 12) then begin if Year > 0 then MaxValue := MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year), Month] else MaxValue := MonthDays[True, Month]; //we don't know the year, assume it's a leap year to be more generous end else MaxValue := 31; //we don't know the month, so assume it's the largest if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 2{MinDigits}, 2{MaxDigits}, 1{MinValue}, MaxValue{MaxValue}, {var}Day) then Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'd' then begin //days //If we know what month it is, and even better if we know what year it is, limit the number of valid days to that if (Month >= 1) and (Month <= 12) then begin if Year > 0 then MaxValue := MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year), Month] else MaxValue := MonthDays[True, Month]; //we don't know the year, assume it's a leap year to be more generous end else MaxValue := 31; //we don't know the month, so assume it's the largest if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 1{MinDigits}, 2{MaxDigits}, 1{MinValue}, MaxValue{MaxValue}, {var}Day) then Exit; end else if (CurrentToken = 'yyyy') or (CurrentToken = 'yyyyy') then begin //Year represented by a full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. { Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars have five-digit years. The "yyyy" pattern shows five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars. Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No additional leading zeros are displayed. } if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 4{MinDigits}, 4{MaxDigits}, 0{MinValue}, 9999{MaxValue}, {var}Year) then Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'yyy' then begin //i'm not sure what this would look like, so i'll ignore it Exit; end else if CurrentToken = 'yy' then begin //Year represented only by the last two digits. A leading zero is added for single-digit years. if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 2{MinDigits}, 2{MaxDigits}, 0{MinValue}, 99{MaxValue}, {var}Year) then Exit; nCurrentYear := GetCurrentYear; Year := (nCurrentYear div 100 * 100)+Year; if (PivotYear < 100) and (PivotYear >= 0) then begin //assume pivotyear is a delta from this year, not an absolute value PivotYear := nCurrentYear+PivotYear; end; //Check the pivot year value if Year > PivotYear then Year := Year - 100; end else if CurrentToken = 'y' then begin //Year represented only by the last digit. if not ReadDigitSsortingng(S, n, 1{MinDigits}, 1{MaxDigits}, 0{MinValue}, 9{MaxValue}, {var}Year) then Exit; nCurrentYear := GetCurrentYear; Year := (nCurrentYear div 10 * 10)+Year; if (PivotYear < 100) and (PivotYear >= 0) then begin //assume pivotyear is a delta from this year, not an absolute value PivotYear := nCurrentYear+PivotYear; end; //Check the pivot year value if Year > PivotYear then Year := Year - 100; end else begin //The input ssortingng should contains CurrentToken starting at n Partial := Copy(S, n, Length(CurrentToken)); Inc(n, Length(CurrentToken)); if Partial <> CurrentToken then Exit; end; end; //If there's still stuff left over in the string, then it's not valid if n <> Length(s)+1 then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if Day > MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year), Month] then begin Result := False; Exit; end; try Value := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); except Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; end; class function TDateTimeUtils.TokenizeFormat(fmt: ssortingng): TSsortingngDynArray; var i: Integer; partial: ssortingng; function IsDateFormatPicture(ch: AnsiChar): Boolean; begin case ch of 'M','d','y': Result := True; else Result := False; end; end; begin SetLength(Result, 0); if Length(fmt) = 0 then Exit; //format is only one character long? If so then that's the tokenized entry if Length(fmt)=1 then begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0] := fmt; end; partial := fmt[1]; i := 2; while i <= Length(fmt) do begin //If the characters in partial are a format picture, and the character in fmt is not the same picture code then write partial to result, and reset partial if IsDateFormatPicture(partial[1]) then begin //if the current fmt character is different than the running partial picture if (partial[1] <> fmt[i]) then begin //Move the current partial to the output //and start a new partial SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := partial; Partial := fmt[i]; end else begin //the current fmt character is more of the same format picture in partial //Add it to the partial Partial := Partial + fmt[i]; end; end else begin //The running partial is not a format picture. //If the current fmt character is a picture code, then write out the partial and start a new partial if IsDateFormatPicture(fmt[i]) then begin //Move the current partial to the output //and start a new partial SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := partial; Partial := fmt[i]; end else begin //The current fmt character is another non-picture code. Add it to the running partial Partial := Partial + fmt[i]; end; end; Inc(i); Continue; end; //If we have a running partial, then add it to the output if partial <> '' then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := partial; end; end; class function TDateTimeUtils.ReadDigitString(const S: string; var Pos: Integer; MinDigits, MaxDigits: Integer; MinValue, MaxValue: Integer; var Number: Integer): Boolean; var Digits: Integer; Value: Integer; Partial: string; CandidateNumber: Integer; CandidateDigits: Integer; begin Result := False; CandidateNumber := -1; CandidateDigits := 0; Digits := MinDigits; while Digits <= MaxDigits do begin Partial := Copy(S, Pos, Digits); if Length(Partial) < Digits then begin //we couldn't get all we wanted. We're done; use whatever we've gotten already Break; end; //Check that it's still a number if not TryStrToInt(Partial, Value) then Break; //Check that it's not too big - meaning that getting anymore wouldn't work if (Value > MaxValue) then Break; if (Value >= MinValue) then begin //Hmm, looks good. Keep it as our best possibility CandidateNumber := Value; CandidateDigits := Digits; end; Inc(Digits); //try to be greedy, grabbing even *MORE* digits end; if (CandidateNumber >= 0) or (CandidateDigits > 0) then begin Inc(Pos, CandidateDigits); Number := CandidateNumber; Result := True; end; end; 

Si les parameters de votre projet vous permettent d’inclure des en-têtes ATL, vous pouvez utiliser l’object COleDateTime (#include atlcomtime.h) et utiliser sa méthode pratique ParseDateTime. Ce n’est pas infaillible, mais il gère beaucoup de formats OK.

Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax vous permettra de définir l’année pivot .NET.